"The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing."
- Bill S. Preston, Esq.
It's easy to get turned around, be sure to keep an eye on your team so you don't get left behind. If you want to help out your Team Lead, stay in sight and stick together.
The best way to stay alive is to stay away.
When moving: Try to keep at least 10 meters of space between you and your teammates.
In Cover: Do your best to spread out, but prioritize cover over spacing.
While you should be making sure you're not falling behind, you should also be making sure no one else falls behind.
During a mission, you'll likely be assigned a color along with someone else. This is your Battle Buddy, keep an eye out for them and they'll keep an eye out for you.
You're Responsible For:
Knowing where they are
Making sure they're not unconcious
Backblast is a cone shaped area behind a rocket launcher where hot gases are expelled when the rocket is fired. While this isn't modeled in Vanilla gameplay, it is with mods.
Everyone around them will make sure that they're not behind the launcher and that there's nothing behind the person firing the rocket.
Once the people around them have confirmed it's clear, they'll reply "Backblast clear!"
The launcher is now free to fire
Overpressure is almost exactly like backblast... but in reverse. Overpressure is a cone shaped area where hot gases are expelled when a large round (often from a tank) is fired.
Even if it's your first Op, or you're unsure, don't be afraid to call out targets. It's not friendly fire until someone pulls the trigger.
Anything you think your team isn't aware of!
Information is key to mission success
Remember the Three D's! Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
Tell us what you see!
This can be anything you think your team isn't aware of!
Call out the direction you see contacts! Ideally you'll give the Degrees on a Compass, but Cardinal Directions (North, South, East, West) are just as good when you're moving or it's urgent.
Finding Degrees
In the above example, the contact is at 190 degrees
Try to estimate the contacts distance in meters. If you don't feel comforatble giving a number, just say Close, Near, or Far.
This is just a guess, don't worry about being too accurate. The imporant part is letting your team know you see something!
Smoke Grenades are used in conjunction with radio calls to mark friendly or enemy targets. While this can change due to mission circumstance, we typically use Red, Blue, and Purple smoke grenades to mark points of interest.
We encourage everyone to use the radio as much as possible, but too much chatter can ruin it's effectiveness. Learn how to use the radio so you're always heard.
Use the radio when everyone NEEDS to know about something.
Keep your time on the radio as short as possible. Rambling on the radio can cause confusion and delay more important information from being transmitted.
Depending on mission setting, these radios are given to every member. These radios are used for communication within your squad.
Longer range radios given to every lead element. These radios are used to communicate with command, support elements, and other squads. With how many assests are on this channel, it's easy to get congested. Because of this, clarity is much more important.
Calls on this radio will always start with "Hey You, This is Me".
Example: "Alpha (The element you're contacting), this is Bravo (The element transmitting the message)."
ACE Medical can be overwheleming. It'll take a bit of time to fully understand it, but as a new player, there's only 3 things we want you to understand.
Bandage efficiency is it's own topic, but to keep it simple, when you get hit, bandage like this and you'll be right 95% of the time
If you're helping someone who's unconcious, you have three objectives:
When checking for a pulse, make sure you're not checking a tourniqueted limb. Always use the head or chest to be sure!
If you've played with ACE Medical before, there have been significant changes to the system and there is only one way to know if someone is alive or unconcious
If a player rag-dolls, does that mean they died?
- No, players will rag-doll before going unconcious
If a player drops their gun, does that mean they're dead?
- No, ACE has many different unconcious animations; some with player's guns away from their body
If a player does not have a pulse, are they dead?
- No, players will be unconcious for a short period of time after their heart stops. CPR can bring their pulse back.
If I can drag a player, does that mean they are alive?
- No, players can now be dragged and carried when dead.
There is only one way to know if someone is alive or dead:
Open their medical menu and go to their head. Check response. If it says they are "cold" in the message, they are dead. Otherwise, stabilize them and get a medic!
We are playing a video game after all, so there's a few things to remember.
There are a few different re-infil methods to be aware of in respawn missions. In order to try and keep some level of immersion in our missions, there are prodecures to follow.
For an Air re-infil, you'll likely repsawn at a base and wait for a helicopter to come bring you back to the AO.
For vehicle re-infil, you'll be given vehicles to drive yourself back into the AO.
Vehicle respawns are mobile respawn points. If you respawn here, jump out and walk to your team.